Top 10 Things I Learned In My First Year of University

If you didn't already know I started my first year of university this fall. Going into it I had a lot of expectations and worries about what it was going to be like. Now that my first year is coming to an end I have learned a lot and I have some advice I would like to give to my frosh self.

#1. If you think you are not someone who would enjoy sharing a room with another person there is a 95% chance you are correct. Opt for a single room.

#2. The freshman 15 is very real and even though the campus gym may seem like a very scary place it isn't. So go the gym.

#3. There is basically no point in buying a ticket to the homecoming game. Everyone knows homecoming is not about football.

#4. 85% of the people you meet during Orientation/Frosh Week you will never speak to again. You will scroll through your contacts on your phone and have no idea who a lot of them are. Make friends with the people on your floor and in your building or you will regret it.

#5. University marking is a lot different than high school. Your average will drop at least 15%. This is just the way it is and you will be OKAY.

#6. Midterms don't happen in the middle of the term. They happen from the second week into the semester until finals. Have fun while you can, your freedom doesn't last long.

#7. Doing your own laundry actually isn't that bad. It does take some time out of your day and you may lose a few socks but it is very doable. 

#8. Skype will be your new favourite thing. As long as you make an effort to keep in touch with your high school friends you won't lose them.

#9. Make friends with second or third year students. They have been through first year and are full of important information about profs, classes, bus routes, apartments ect. You can learn a lot from them and they can help you out with many things.

#10. Just be yourself. I know how cheesy that is but it is true. You don't have to try and be someone you are not. You will eventually find people just as weird and strange as you are.

I hope you enjoyed my list of things I have learned this year. If you have any questions about what it's like to be in University or want to add somethings you have learned leave a comment below.
Until next time,


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