Prom & Graduation

Hello, long time no see blog. I wish I had a valid excuse but I really don't. I was really busy the last few weeks of June though, as I was going to prom, finishing my exams and graduating high school. I wanted to spend as much time as possible going out and doing things with my friends as I won't see a lot of them for a long time or maybe even ever again, but I don't like to think about that. Now I'm rambling, anyways, the whole point of this post is to just catch up on what went on in my life during those few weeks. First was prom! Prom season was a very stressful time, dress shopping, booking hair appointments, ect. That side of prom was no fun but the actual event itself was. Everything ran smoothly and I had a really good night with really great people.

After prom was graduation! It's still crazy to me that I am completely done with high school. The graduation ceremony itself was really long and really hot but being with my entire grade celebrating our accomplishments one last time was pretty great. I'm not going to lie I'm probably going to miss high school. It wasn't the most amazing time of my life but it wasn't miserable either. I have made so many memories and I have met so many amazing people and when it was all over it was really hard to say goodbye.

Even though I am going to miss everyone so much I am really excited to start university in the fall. I am looking forward to meeting new people, and just experiencing so many new things. I am really nervous and totally not prepared at all but this chapter of my life has come to an end and I am going to try to embrace the new one as much as possible.


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