
It's that time of the year again, it's exam time. This is where teenagers put their social lives on hold, consume way too much caffeine and spend nights cramming hoping for at least a passing grade. This semester I took AP biology, advanced functions, and food and nutrition. I completed my bio exam last thursday and oh boy was that a struggle. I had at least 4 cups of caffeinated beverages the night before and tried to relearn all the course material in 8 hours. Let's just say i'm not expecting a great mark on that one. Today, I wrote my foods exam and I think it went pretty well. Tomorrow, I have my math exam worth 25% of my overall mark so here's hoping that goes well. I spent the majority of my weekend with my calculator and math binder and I still feel unprepared. Basically 'Jesus Take The Wheel' has been my theme song this week. The good thing is once they're over I have a couple days off until we have to go back to school and all I plan to do is sleep and catch up on all the TV shows i've missed. If you had exams this week too I hope they went well and if you still have a few more to go, push through I know you can do it!
Best of luck,




Welcome to 'Life With Alisse'!

This is where I ramble on about products i'm loving, music i'm digging, DIY projects, pop culture and what's happening in my life. Take a look around and let me know what you think!