20 Things I Learned While Being 20

This past year has been such a roller coaster. I had so much fun and I am forever thankful for anyone who contributed to making this year so memorable. I have learned so much and have grown immensely this year and I am really proud of this soon to be 21 year old.

*Warning* This turned out to be a little bit more mushier than I originally intended it to be, but hey we can't always be funny can we?

Here are 20 things I learned during my 20th year of living:

1. Music festivals are the most fun
I went to my first music festival this past summer and it was one of the best weekends I have ever experienced. Wayhome was seriously everything & I am so thankful that I got the chance to experience it with one of my very best friends. It was truly something I will never forget.

2. You are worth it
Never, ever, ever let anyone make you feel like you aren't worth it because you are and if someone can't see that then it's their problem and not yours. If someone wants to hangout with you they will make an effort to, if they keep finding reasons not to they are not worth your time.

3. Going to the gym can be fun and it is a great way to de-stress
Nothing clears my head more than a good workout. I think exercising is a great way to relieve stress. Getting to the gym isn't always easy, but once you get there trust me you will be so glad you went. I know I always feel so much better afterwards. I recently did some tire flipping, rope swinging, crossfit shiz and I have never felt more like a bad b!tch in my whole life.

4. Apparently there is such a thing as eating too many bananas
Bananas are high in potassium and having too much potassium in your blood can actually be quite a serious health concern. Freelee the Banana Girl played me so hard man.

5. You can survive without your phone it doesn't always need to be attached to you
I love my phone, but I don't always need to have it near me. As much as I love social media and believe me I really, really enjoy it sometimes it gets a little bit overwhelming and all I want to do is delete all my social media accounts. Being away from your phone and disconnecting from everything for even just a couple of hours is so therapeutic.

6. Stop worrying about whether or not people like you and start wondering whether or not you like them
Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to make other people like us that we forget to question whether or not we actually like them. If you are trying to impress someone think long and hard why. Are they worth the effort? Are they a person you even want to hangout with? Sometimes it's just not the case. Don't get blinded by your own insecurities when meeting new people. I have adopted such a nice I don't give a f*@# attitude this year & I really dig it.

7. Enter Contests
This summer I entered two contest I thought I would never in a million years have a chance at winning & I won both. You know what's better than going to a music festival? Going to one that you didn't have to pay for! Also, before this summer I never would have even imagined that I would be able to cross off not only attending the MMVAs, but walking the MMVA red carpet off my bucketlist.

8. You will find people who appreciate your quirks
Not everyone is going to like you or get you and that's okay. You will find amazing people who do. If they are few and far between don't stress, just know that there are people out there just waiting to find you too. I know it's cheesy i'm sorry, but it's true okay.

9. Naps are so precious
I have really learned the value of a good nap this year. Napping is a sport I can fully get behind.

10. Keeping in touch with old friends is so important
It can be really easy to get super caught up in your own life sometimes. Especially if friends are far away, but making an effort to keep in touch and check in is so worth it. I live for the skype calls with my friends who are half way across the world on exchange.

11. Find time for your family because they love and miss you
Again, it can be so easy to get caught up in your own stuff, but your mother literally spent 9 months birthing you so I think you can call her every once in a while.

12. Online dating apps are not for me
Maybe Tinder works for you, maybe you really enjoy it. Perhaps you found your significant other on Bumble and that's great for you, I just know that they're not for me. I mean i'm not going to lie, i've done my fair share of swiping, but at the end of the day to me it was just something that passed the time and I think I can find more meaningful ways to spend my time and entertain myself in the future.

13. Going out can be fun, but sometimes the best nights are those spent in
Grabs some snacks, play a board game, watch a movie and partake in life chats. I always feel so much better after a relaxing night in with friends.

14. When the weather is nice always make time to go outside
Nothing gets me going more than sweater weather. I love a cool breeze. 12-18 degree weather is my kink & I never want to waste another one of those good weather days ever again.

15. You can learn so many amazing, eye opening things from documentaries
I have watched so many documentaries this year with topics ranging from the tragedies taking place in Syria to what a day in the life of a female escort is like. Documentaries are such a cool way to immerse yourself in a completely different world and I think so much can be learned from them.

16. I really enjoy my alone time 
I have known this for awhile, but I was especially reminded this summer when I was the busiest i've ever been. I really appreciated the moments I had to myself where I could just hide in my room, not talk to anyone, and catch up on TV shows.

17. I have some of the greatest friends in the world
Again, this is no secret to me, I have always known that I have incredible friends, but I thought I would take this time to be extra sappy about it! I love you guys so freaking much.

18. Who needs eggs, meat & dairy? Not me!
I decided to go vegan this summer and after being plant based for the past 6 months I can honestly say it's not that bad, I actually quite enjoy it. Do I miss the occasional chicken tender? Yes, but it is so manageable. I never thought that I would be one of those people who drinks kombucha and puts chia seeds on everything, but I am and I love it.

19. Losing someone is hard
I experienced loss for the first time this year, it was sudden and unexpected and it was really tough. I really don't like crying and I don't cry often, but sometimes you just have to let it out. Life is so precious and you never know when it's going to be taken away from you or someone you love. If I learned anything from my cousin it's that you can work hard and accomplish so much all while still living your wildest life.

20. Trust your instincts
This is something I struggle with so much. I never know what I want and it can be really confusing. I waste a lot of time second guessing myself and making excuses for people. I'm so worried about making the wrong decision that I often make no decision at all and I let things carry on even if i'm not happy with the way things are going. This year i'm going to try and figure out what I really want and I refuse to waste anymore of my time or anyone else's.

Cheers to being 21!



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