#20. Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging
This cute little British film is about 14 year old Georgia Nicolson's journey to find herself and along the way she experiences her first kiss and first love. Aaron Taylor Johnson plays her love interest and he is quite the cutie. The movie is funny, quirky and perfect for a slumber party.
#19. How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
Benjamin Barry, played by Matthew McConaughey, is an advertising exec who says he can make any woman fall in love with him in 10 days. Andie Anderson, played by Kate Hudson, just so happens to be writing a story on how to lose a guy in 10 days and gets picked to be Benjamin's love interest. This film is fun and will get you laughing. I love Kate Hudson's character and Matthew is so charming! Thirteen year old me absolutely loved this movie.
Benjamin Barry, played by Matthew McConaughey, is an advertising exec who says he can make any woman fall in love with him in 10 days. Andie Anderson, played by Kate Hudson, just so happens to be writing a story on how to lose a guy in 10 days and gets picked to be Benjamin's love interest. This film is fun and will get you laughing. I love Kate Hudson's character and Matthew is so charming! Thirteen year old me absolutely loved this movie.
#18. Ten Things I Hate About You
Sisters Kat and Bianca couldn't be more different. Bianca is a preppy valley girl whereas Kat is more rebellious and opinionated. When a family rule forbids Bianca from dating until Kat does Joseph Gordon Levitt's character, Joseph, pays Patrick, played by Heath Ledger, to win over Kat's heart in hopes that he will then be able to date Bianca. The movie is very charming and witty, and Heath Ledger is phenomenal in it.
Stuck In Love stars Lily Collins, Logan Lerman, Nat Wolf, Kristen Bell, and Greg Kinnear. It's about the love lives of William Borgens and his two teenagers Rusty and Samantha. Throughout the movie we see William try to get over his wife, Rusty experience his first love, and Samantha get over her fear of loving someone. It's a wonderful little indie film and I definitely recommend the watch. It's slightly twisted but whatever. Also Logan Lerman is adorable as ever!!

Kings of Summer is a story about three boys who build a house in the woods and escape from reality for a while. It is a hilarious coming of age story and the first time I watched it I couldn't stop laughing. Moises Arias, who plays Biaggio, stole the show for me. His character is everything I want to be and I guarantee he will have you cracking up at least once during the film. Not many people have heard of this one but, it is currently up on Netflix and it is just waiting for you to check it out.

#15. John Tucker Must Die
If you have yet to see this film just stop reading this blog right now and go watch it. This was my all time favourite movie when I was younger and I still reach for it whenever I want a good laugh. John Tucker Must Die is about a high school basketball star who manages to date 3 of the hottest girls in school all at the same time. With the help of new comer Kate, played by Brittany Snow, the three girls discover the truth and plot revenge.
There is so much I could write about this movie. It is probably my all time favourite film. I can't even count how many times I have watched it. When it first came out not too many people new about it and I took great pride in forcing people to watch it with me. The First Time is about two teenagers who meet at a party and instantly hit it off. It is a funny, awkward and heartwarming first love movie that I think everyone should watch. If I haven't convinced you to watch it yet, the film stars the dreamy Dylan O'Brien who is perfect in this movie. As an added bonus this movie is currently on Netflix so go watch it now. Also as a side note this movie has a killer soundtrack!
#13. If I Stay
This movie is based on the popular young adult novel If I Stay. I read the book before I watched the movie and I have to say I think this movie did the book justice. If I Stay is about a young girl named Mia, played by Chloe Grace Moretz, who has to decide whether she wants to stay and live, or go and join her family after they die in a tragic car crash. This movie also follows the love story of Mia and her boyfriend Adam, played by Jamie Blackley. This movie is heartbreaking, but also contains some really cute scenes. This movie also has a pretty kick ass soundtrack!
#12. Two Night Stand
Two Night Stand stars one of my favourite new up and coming actors, Miles Teller. I just think he is hilarious, cute, quirky and great in this film. This movie is about a hookup that goes horribly wrong and is prolonged due to a terrible snowstorm.
#11. The Fault in our Stars
If you haven't heard about The Fault in Our Stars yet then I don't even know what to say to you. Basically it is a really heart wrenching, witty love story about two teenagers who are battling cancer. Warning, you will cry. This movie stars Shailene Woodley and the charming Ansel Elgort.
#10. Love, Rosie
Warning this movie will tear you apart. It's an emotional roller coaster but if you are up for it you won't regret watching it. Lily Collins plays a British high school student who becomes pregnant and has to put her dreams on hold and leave her best friend, played by Sam Clafin, behind.

#9. The Notebook
I think it might be illegal to make a list of romantic comedies and not include The Notebook so here it is. The Notebook is about two lovers who were separated as teens and couldn't be together due to their differing social classes.
#8. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
I'm sure most of you have seen this movie by now. If not, this movie is about a group of hipster/misfit friends who adopt Charlie, played by the ever lovely Logan Lerman. This movie is a coming of age story of sorts that covers a variety of more serious topics such as suicide, mental illness and rape. It's not all tragic though, this movie will bring you to tears and make you laugh out loud. Patrick, played by Era Miller, brings quite a bit of comic relief to the film. Also the tunnel scene in this film has become pretty iconic.
#7. What If
If you have ever been friendzoned or have put someone in the friend zone this movie is all too relatable. What If follows Wallace, played by Daniel Radcliffe, as he falls in love with his new friend Chantry, played by Zoe Kazan.
#6. That Awkward Moment
This film stars Miles Teller and Zac Efron, which should be enough to make you want to watch this movie. That Awkward moment is about three best friends and their love lives. It is funny, charming and highly entertaining.
#5. Friends With Benefits
Everyone knows that friends with benefits almost never works out as planed and this movie is a perfect example of that. Friends with Benefits stars Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake and is filled with many laugh out loud and heart warming moments.
#4. The Proposal
The Proposal stars Sandra Bullock who forces her assistant played by Ryan Reynolds to marry her in order for her to be able to continue working in the United States due to her expired visa. This movie had my whole family laughing out loud and Ryan Reynolds is basically a Canadian God so it is a must watch.
#3. Sleepover
This was one of my favourite movies when I was younger, my 13 year old self was obsessed. Sleepover is about a group of friends who partake in a photo race in order to gain a spot at the "popular" table next year. The teen heart throb in this movie is played by Sean Faris who is soooo attractive. If you like fun goofy movies this one is for you.
#2. Win a Date With Tad Hamilton
I'm not gonna lie this one is pretty cheesy but it is every fangirls dream come true. Girl loves famous star, wins date with famous star, famous star falls in love with her. That's not it though it, this movie also has the classic guy friend falls in love with girl friend but doesn't tell her story line. Win a Date with Tad Hamilton also stars Josh Duhamel who is dreamy af.

I just finished watching this movie the other day and it is a little darker and deals with more mature subject matter than most of the other films on this list but I still really enjoyed it. Men Women & Children is about how technology and the internet has affected high school students and their parents relationships, family wise and romance wise. Being an MIT student who learns about the effect media has all the time this film definitely spoke to me and I think it is worth the watch. It also stars Ansel Elgort who is the perfect mix of dorky and cute.
I hope you guys enjoyed that list and that there was at least one movie on there that you haven't seen yet and now want to watch. I know I left out a bunch of great ones but those are just the movies I thought of on the top of my head. As always thanks for reading!
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