First Blog Post!

Hello and welcome to my blog!

I should probably start by introducing myself. I am a 17 year old high school student who loves everything pop culture related. I spend most of my time scouring the internet and sometimes I come across some pretty interesting things. I love introducing people to new artists, youtubers, products, movies, ect and I think this could be a great platform to do so. I am pretty savvy with other forms of social media, twitter being my favourite, but sometimes you just need more than 140 characters to express or share your opinions. 

I don't even know who would read this blog, or if anyone is going to but thats okay because I think it will be pretty cool to be able to look back at this blog in 20 years and see what exactly I was into at this point in my life. 

I have always wanted to make a blog like this and with the new year approaching i've decided to make it my new little project. 
Let's see how this goes,


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Welcome to 'Life With Alisse'!

This is where I ramble on about products i'm loving, music i'm digging, DIY projects, pop culture and what's happening in my life. Take a look around and let me know what you think!